Kaleigh turns 20 on Thursday. TWENTY! That’s a whole new first digit. Amazing. We’re very bummed that we won’t be able to share the day with her, what with her being all off at college getting all danged learned and stuff.
But we love you Kaleigh!
Declan started soccer a couple weeks ago.

It’s a funny thing. He has fantastic skills, but his coaches still aren’t taking the time to sit down and explain basic things like what a team is, what an opposing team is, what a goal is, etc. He gets a little confused when everyone’s not cooperating.
I meant to have a mini soccer camp with him on Saturday morning before his first game, but we never got around to it. (Bad dad.) At the game it seemed he was a little intimidated by the whole thing and spent about 15% of the time on the field. Then we left early. He’ll get it though, and when he does, watch out.
Elsie is as cute as ever…

…and exploded into walking this weekend. Before Friday night, the most I’d ever seen her walk is two steps. Amy had seen more. But then Friday night, she just started walking everywhere. Like, walk across the restaurant, waving at people, stop, squat, pick up a rock, stand upright and walk back. So cool. And now we’re in real trouble.
Saturday afternoon, we went to a little carnival the apprentice school at Amy’s work put on. Despite the heat, Declan threw himself at every ride he could, including this tall slide thing. It meant climbing to the top of a 15-foot inflatable slide and then sliding down. It’s taller than it seems in this video. We thought he’d be scared, but:
We got a babysitter Saturday night and Amy and I went to a cookout at her coworkers' house. We were going to go to a movie afterwards but decided instead to stop at a nice little restaurant out in the country and have a drink by their fountain/pond and just talk. So nice! Adult stuff! Imagine!
Sunday morning Declan and I went on a little hike. It was awesome. I love seeing him out in the natural world, finding things, talking about how cool leaves and sticks are, asking questions about seed pods and streams.
He found this beetle:

And LOVED it. He was so amazed, and it was great to see that sense of wonder in his face and hear it in his voice:

We stayed watching the huge thing root around in a rotting log for a long time. Then Declan rooted around in the log’s upturned base:

We also saw a three-foot brown snake. Very cool. Oh, and got bitten by mosquitoes. Not so cool.
Finally, a few random pics from the phone. Amy has posted better shots on Snapfish. I should pull some off there, eh?

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