When I asked her how it felt to be 20, she said, “It’s pretty cool, but it’s kind of a teaser year. I’m not a teenager anymore but I can’t go to bars.”
Nana, forget you read that.
The other morning I was sleepily drinking my cup of coffee while making Declan’s lunch for school. I took a sip, put it down, and saw this:

You’re not seeing things, and neither was I. That’s what you think it is: a small rubber Biscuit the Dog, staring up. A curious thing to see in the morning to be sure. But actually not an uncommon type of thing, with Declan around.
When I saw it, I asked Declan, who was coloring at the table, why Biscuit was in my coffee.
“Because he needed a deep pool to swim in,” quoth he, in a rather isn’t-it-obvious tone.
Makes sense, I guess.
Team Whitney gave Declan a cool rocket for his birthday. On Saturday we went out into the field across the street to play with it. Declan kept yelling, “I love this game!” You'll hear me try to get him to say it on this video, but he left me hanging...
You should have heard him laughing the 300 times he popped it up into the air and I tried to catch it. Absolute guffaws.
Elsie had a good time gnawing on the rockets by the way.
And here are some cute pics of Elsie, who is walking like a champ now:

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