1. He said I could
2. I need an outlet besides MySpace because 70% of my friends there could quite possibly still think that the Earth is flat and that Ugg boots are extremely fashionable. (They are called Ugg for a reason)
3. I'm without something to do because It's 6 p.m. on Friday here at Virginia Tech, and we all know that no one goes out until 10
So here we go.
As I am sitting in what could be the epitome of a college student's apartment; our kitchen is plagued with Hot Pockets, white walls are covered with the faces of ancient musical artists, a beer can rests outside our window in a bush, I'm thinking about last month when I was on "the phase." You know the one I'm talking about. The one where your mind is constantly pounding with questions about the world. Life. Religion. Existance. Any other confusing and frustrating cliche you could imagine, goes streamlining through your head. I go through this phase about every 8 months, but this time, it was somehow so much more consuming. I spent a week in a solid slump searching for answers in what is a ridiculously small amount of knowledge in my young adult head.
And it hurt. I don't know why, but it did. I fought and fought and fought and tried my hardest to solve the meaning of life, but it never happened, and it brought me to tears.
A few days before I left to come back up to Tech, I was walking around downstairs and my dad must have noticed I was having some trouble because he came up to me, kissed me on the head, and said "I love you." He couldn't have said anything more perfect. This is the truth, those three words that are so insignificant, yet so freaking powerful you can't even comprehend. It is the truth, and it is the answer. Oh, I know there is a 99.9% possibility that I am wrong and that some great omnipotent power (if there is one) is laughing his ass off at my elementary deduction, but for now, this satisfys me.
Love. You know that feeling. Where some snowballing mass of happiness shoots from your feet to your throat and then sits there as it forces you to smile, laugh, cry, sing, or even just sit quitely in bliss if only for a few seconds.
So sitting here on my torn couch with Phish playing in the background, I think back to Christmas break where I spent an entire month with the people that I love. With Declan, Elsie, Dad, Amy, Carlin, my mom, my 53453 cousins and aunts and uncles in Maine, Vermont, Virginia, is where I am happy. My family and my best friends are what make this wildly confusing and frustrating life of mine so incredibly worth it.
So to quote John Lennon and the rest of The Beatles,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

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