Monday, July 20, 2009

Dad's Stories Become Lame

Last night after bedtime books, Declan asked me to tell him a story about a T. Rex and a snake. No problem, I thought.

And so I began weaving a remarkably brilliant tale of a bully of a T. Rex who grows bored terrorizing everyone in his jungle and ventures out into the desert to find new victims, only to be humbled by the severe place and then saved by a rattlesnake.

Just as I was wrapping up Act Two and about to launch into the final stretch, Declan interrupted me and said, "Ok Dad, you can say, 'The End' now."

Fine then.

The end.

Some pics. Declan finally let me cut his hair:

Hat Day at school:

Elsie's new favorite thing to do. Which she does, with great springing energy, when you least expect it:

One weekend, while Amy was at yoga I took them on the ferry to Norfolk. They both look serious in this photo, but they had a great time. Elsie was accosted by a group of Latinas who, when one put out her arms to hug and Elsie ran to her, scooped her up and gave her a thousand hugs, much to her delight.

Elsie being generally cute, playing in the front yard and pointing out giraffes and sitting on a monster turtle at the zoo:

Yesterday, Steve and Stephenson took us fishing and Declan caught his first fish, a croaker. They croak by the way. Literally. Like a frog. Hence the name. Who knew.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Catching Up: The VT Trip

Some pics from my trip with the E to the VT.

She was mesmerized by the shifting, trippy lights in the Detroit airport. We must have walked this corridor 10 times. Like Zoloft for kids. And hippies.

As the sun was setting and things cooled down, her teeth started chattering but she would not get out of the pool.

She loved getting in the mix with all the cousins. Here riding bikes at Fatboy's:

Here's Patrick just before we destroyed that thing. Sad, but awesome. Fat kept a big piece of the frame to put above his workbench. I was jealous.

The Doodle:

Jackie is such a great combo -- supercool dude and sweet big cuz:

And, because dorkiness like this must be preserved, behold the D&D-inspired artwork I drew on my closet wall the summer before 8th grade:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Catching Up

Whoa. Fell way behind there.

Superfast update: Amy and Declan head to Maine tomorrow for a long weekend with Sara and the boys; Elsie and I went to Vermont a couple weeks ago to move the 'rents into their new home; Kaleigh just wrapped her study in Mexico and is gonna travel around for a few days before coming home Tuesday.

Aaaand, some pics:

Declan reading in the car:

Elsie strutting her stuff:

Iron Man in the pink stroller:

Trying to hotwire a backhoe:

Asleep in the trailer:

One of my favorite photos ever:

Caught a firefly: