Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

"Declan, what do you want to be for Halloween?"
"A puma!"
"A puma?"
"Yeah, a puma! Roooaaar!"

So he was a puma. Which, as long as you throw out the package, looks a lot like a lion costume. (Don't tell him.)

Amy was a matador. Or, I think, a matadora.

Elsie was a kitty cat. Though at a party we went to yesterday, someone said she looked like one of the Wild Things. Which I think I like better. As long as they're not referring to that movie with Neve and Denise and the swimming pool...

I was, as you can see, a banana. All night Declan referred to me as Banana instead of Daddy.

"Let's go this way, Banana! Roooaaar!"

Because of my get-up, and the fact that Declan decided not to wear his puma head, this conversation went on at a lot of houses:

"Oh look, a monkey and his banana."
"I'm not a monkey, I'm a puma!"
"A what?"
"A puma!"
"A what?"
"A puma!"
Awkward silence as the adult scratches his or her head.

I think not many people in our neighborhood know what a puma is...

Kaleigh, what were you?

Add a picture!

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