See? Does she look like she’s having a great weekend?
It was perfect weather so we had all the windows in the house open whenever we were inside, but we stayed outside as much as possible.

Played in the field, tossed a football, kicked a soccer ball, walked around at a cool neighborhood art show where artists had their stuff on their porches, had treats at the coffeehouse downtown, went for walks, played with friend’s dogs.
Probably the coolest thing for Declan – and I’m sorry I don’t have a photo of this (camera phone wasn’t working) – was going to the firehouse.
We took the recycling down to the bins and played in the park next to the firehouse. Then we walked over and there was a fireman cleaning one of the trucks. We asked if we could look around and this guy must have spent 20 minutes showing Declan everything. I mean, everything.
He opened up every part of the emergency rescue truck and explained all the saws, hoses, air tanks, Jaws of Life, rappelling gear… Declan kept saying, “Wow! Cool! Wow! I love that!” He even let Declan and me climb the ladder up onto the top of the truck and hang out there for a while.
You should’ve seen Declan’s face. I tried to take a picture, but the thing didn’t work.
So Matt Weber of the Portsmouth Fire Department, bravo and thanks for making that kid’s month!
I got in a good bike ride with a shop in Norfolk and Amy got in a good hot yoga session. Ran some errands, got some art for the house and put it up, installed Jinny’s chandelier lamp, started cleaning up the garden out front, even had time to go to a friend’s house for a good steak dinner.
Wish we were all off from work and school today to keep it all going…
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