Yesterday was the big O-N-E for our little E.
Took a few pics with the digital camera before the battery crapped out and will post some soon. Until then, these are from the phone.
Nana and Papa gave her a book:
...which she proceeded to read:
And they gave her a monkey:
...which she proceeded to eat:
Declan made sure to give her a birthday wrestling kiss
Nana made a pretty dress, too:
Grammy and Brim arrive tomorrow and we'll have a little party for her Sunday. Plenty more birthday kisses to come!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Low Fat Goodness
It’s been a rough and complicated couple of weeks.
We did have a nice weekend in Duck with the little kids a few weeks ago (I’ll post more pictures soon since I only have these two from my phone here with me).
But then Amy had to cancel her trip to Maine because Elsie got strep throat and an ear infection… on the weekend I was locked into the 48 Hour Film Project. It gets worse. Elsie had a reaction to the amoxicillin and Amy had to switch meds and add in Benadryl. All on no sleep.
Then I was in DC a couple nights later, for meetings at Discovery. This past weekend was easier – at least we were all together – though we seemed to be running nonstop. Totally falling behind on things like shopping and house upkeep.
But big sis KK came home for a quick visit (I’m heading out soon to have lunch with her, actually), Elsie got good marks from the doctor yesterday, and DECLAN POOPED IN THE POTTY!
Plus our 48 Hour Film has been nominated for best use of the required prop, best sound design, best cinematography, best directing and best screenwriting.
So all is right with the world.
Well, not everything. This was wrong. But so wrong I loved it. I got a fruit yogurt thing at McDonald’s during the 48 Hour Film weekend and it came with this.
Of course it’s low fat. How much fat can it have, when there’s literally one piece of granola in it?
We did have a nice weekend in Duck with the little kids a few weeks ago (I’ll post more pictures soon since I only have these two from my phone here with me).
But then Amy had to cancel her trip to Maine because Elsie got strep throat and an ear infection… on the weekend I was locked into the 48 Hour Film Project. It gets worse. Elsie had a reaction to the amoxicillin and Amy had to switch meds and add in Benadryl. All on no sleep.
Then I was in DC a couple nights later, for meetings at Discovery. This past weekend was easier – at least we were all together – though we seemed to be running nonstop. Totally falling behind on things like shopping and house upkeep.
But big sis KK came home for a quick visit (I’m heading out soon to have lunch with her, actually), Elsie got good marks from the doctor yesterday, and DECLAN POOPED IN THE POTTY!
Plus our 48 Hour Film has been nominated for best use of the required prop, best sound design, best cinematography, best directing and best screenwriting.
So all is right with the world.
Well, not everything. This was wrong. But so wrong I loved it. I got a fruit yogurt thing at McDonald’s during the 48 Hour Film weekend and it came with this.
Of course it’s low fat. How much fat can it have, when there’s literally one piece of granola in it?
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